22:00 ~ 23:16
"We're off to the museum." calls counseler Lou.
"We're off to the museum," calls counselor Lou.
"I want to see a movie," matters Marcos.
"I want to see a movie," mutters Marcos.
"Here we go!" says counseler Nico.
"Here we go!" says counselor Nico.
"Move over motorcycle! Move over moped! Move over motorbike!"
chant the children as the bus rumbles a long.
chant the children as the bus rumbles along.
"What a mixed up ride. We are here!" says counseler Lou.
"What a mixed up ride. We are here!" says counselor Lou.
"I want to see the moon rock". yells Will.
"I want to see the moon rocks!" yells Will.
"I want to see the mask." says Rosie.
"I want to see the map," says Rosie.
"Where is the man's room." mumbles Marcos.
"Where is the men's room?" mumbles Marcos.
Rosie says, "Great! The museum has many masks. Let's go see!"
The group marches off to see the masks.
The group marches off to see the many masks.
There are monkey masks, mouse masks, monster masks, and ...
"Oh no! A missing mask!" yells Rosie.
"Let's go look for it," says Will.
"Let's go look for it," says Viv.
The children look around the mumies.
The children look around the mummies.
They look moon locks.
They look through the moon rocks.
They look under the ully mamoth.
They look under the wooly mammoth.
Counseler Lou says "This is a mystery."
Counselor Lou says, "This is a mystery."
The mask is really missing.
"What is that?" yells Viv.
"It's a monster!" screams Rosie.
"It's a monkey!" cries Will.
It isn't any of those things.
"It's Marcos!" yell the children.
"News is more fun than a movie." giggles Marcos.
"This is more fun than a movie!" giggles Marcos.
map (MAP): A map is a plan of an area that shows the area's main features.
masks (MASKSS): Masks are coverings worn over faces to hide the faces.
monkey (MUHNG-kee): A monkey is a small ape.
monster (MON-stur): A monster is a large, scary creature.
motorcycle (MOH-tur-sye-kuhl): A motorcycle is a heavy vehicle with two wheels and an engine.
mummies (MUH-meez): Mummies are dead bodies wrapped tightly in cloth to preserve the bodies over a long time.
counselor (ˈkaʊnslər): a person who has been trained to advise people with problems, especially
mutter (ˈmʌt̮ər): to speak or say something in a quiet voice that is difficult to hear, especially because you are annoyed about something
moped (ˈmoʊpɛd): a motorcycle with a small engine and also pedals
chant (tʃænt): words or phrases that a group of people shout or sing again and again
rumble (ˈrʌmbl): to make a long, deep sound or series of sounds
along (əˈlɔŋ): from one end to or toward the other end of something
mixed up : confused because of mental, emotional, or social problems
yell (yɛl): to shout loudly, for example because you are angry, excited, frightened, or in pain
mumble (ˈmʌmbl): to speak or say something in a quiet voice, in a way that is not clear
march (mɑrtʃ): to walk with stiff regular steps like a soldier
through (θru): from one end or side of something or someone to the other
wooly (ˈwʊli): covered with wool or with hair like wool
worn (wɔrn): (of a thing) damaged or thinner than normal because it is old and has been used a lot
ape (eɪp): a large animal like a monkey, with no tail. There are different types of apes
preserve (prɪˈzərv): preserve something to keep a particular quality, feature, etc.; to make sure that something is kept
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